Your report with a higher click-through rate (CTR), more clicks as well as more conversions can simply look great on the surface. But, just ask yourself whether they have come from the right people or not. This is surely a million dollar question.
Always remember that unqualified conversions won’t generate revenues for your business. It is therefore pertinent that the right audience must be targeted with the right keywords. In addition to this, a carefully written ad copy will work wonders in attracting the relevant people and restricting clicks to potential customers only.
Here are some of the helpful tips for you on how best to use PPC ads to prequalify traffic, discouraging unwanted users and delivering better ROI.

Explain Qualified Conversion
To begin with, you need to clearly define or explain about a qualified conversion for the business being advertised. It essentially means differently for ecommerce, a B2B company, and a SaaS product.
A qualified conversion for ecommerce means any sale having a positive ROAS, sales of specific priority products, or a sale above a certain amount. In case of a B2B company, it may mean a form submission by a person who is the right fit for the particular service. For a SaaS product, a qualified conversion may mean a contact who has registered for a product demo.
It may be however noted that a qualified lead doesn’t necessarily mean a closed deal, particularly in the context of lead generation PPC. It simply refers to an individual who can be possibly a target customer after showing interest in your product.
Interact with your audience directly
After the target customers have been identified, the next step should be to create an ad messaging that speaks directly to them. For this you need to work with the decision makers and marketing team who better understand your target customers and create appropriate content appealing to them. Your ad messaging should be appealing to your targeted customers and seen to be troubleshooting their problems.
Use qualifying words relevant to your brand
Use the words relevant to your brand, and which sets it apart. The words and its messaging should be such that it should reach the right customer and deter those from clicking who won’t’ be a potential customer. If your products are designed for higher-income customers then the use of words should be such that it discourages those looking for cheap deals. Qualifying words essentially set the tone for the types of businesses you want to attract in the B2B space. If you are bidding on keywords which would be searched by both B2B and B2C audiences then use phrases like “for businesses” to drive home the message that you want only business professionals to respond.
Talk about Specific Numbers
You need to think about numbers that set your business apart. Numbers will define your company size, revenue or age, depending on who your target audience will be. Size thresholds should be mentioned in your ad copy if your product is aiming to target companies of a certain size.
Ad Extensions should be used
Extensions offer you an excellent opportunity for adding details and clarifying brand messaging beyond the core ad copy. Callout extensions reinforce points touched on earlier, such as the size of companies you are working with as well as numbers. Price extensions provide perspective on costs enabling people to determine whether your service or product is affordable and within their budget. Structured snippet extensions are used for highlighting a “quick list” of the types of customers you are working with. It significantly helps in discouraging people in irrelevant industries from clicking through.
Begin Testing
The key to successful campaign performance is ad copy testing. Every PPC professional is aware of this. Even though the application for each business is different, you need to think about copy in order to test to narrow down the focus on the right audience. Identify the people who are right fit for a qualified conversion category. Create ad messaging that best appeals to your target audience. Determine qualifying words and numbers to define who you business actually serves. Consider incorporating ad extensions for extra clarification.
Bottom line
Define your target audience first for your business, start writing a good ad messaging, and finally start testing. Just sit back and see how your business grows gradually with the right PPC strategy!